目的:探讨组合方案的SPECT 99mTcMIBI 心肌显像术前预测PTCA 疗效的价值。材料与方法:采用运动、静息、静滴硝酸甘油介入三步99mTcMIBI 心肌显像对122 例拟行PTCA 治疗的患者进行监测,并以术后1 ~2 周的运动、静息显像作为疗效指标进行比较。结果:术前心肌显像显示的缺损变化与PTCA 疗效有重要关系。以运动与NTG 显像组合反映的缺损变化作为预测指标,则与疗效指标呈正相关(r = 0 .9366) 。结论:运动、静息、静滴硝酸甘油介入三步99mTcMIBI 心肌显像能够在术前全面准确地预测PTCA 的疗效。
s Purposes: To verify the predictive value of 3 step 99m Tc MIBI SPECT myocardial imaging before PTCA.Materials and Methods:122 patients with CAD ready for PTCA were chosen. The 3 step myocardial imaging including exercise(EX), rest(RE) and intravenous infusion of nitroglycerine(NTG) imaging were undertaken before PTCA. EX and RE imaging were repeated 1 2 weeks after PTCA. Results: The SPECT findings correlated with PTCA outcome. The best correlation is found between myocardial perfusion state revealed by NTG EX imaging and PTCA outcome indexes (r=0.9366,P<0.001).Conclusion:3 step 99m Tc MIBI SPECT myocardial imaging can correctly predict outcome before PTCA
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging