
冷弯型钢骨架带交叉支撑墙体抗剪性能计算方法 被引量:3

Calculation method for shear performance of cold-formed steel framing wall with steel X-strap bracing
摘要 进行了2块双面无板带交叉扁钢拉条支撑的冷弯型钢骨架墙体足尺试件(宽2.4m,高3m)抗剪试验。利用提出的墙体抗侧移刚度简化计算模型推导了墙体抗侧移刚度理论计算公式,并结合试验数据和有限元分析结果,得到墙体抗侧移刚度实用计算公式,公式计算结果与试验、有限元分析结果吻合较好;通过对墙体在水平力作用下的各种可能破坏模式的研究,提出了相应的墙体最大抗剪承载力计算模型,并结合试验和有限元结果,得到了墙体最大抗剪承载力实用计算公式,公式计算结果同试验、有限元分析结果比较一致。 The shear performance of two full-size(2.4m by 3m) specimens of cold-formed steel framing wall with steel X-strap bracing on both sides was studied by test.The simplified calculation model of the lateral stiffness of walls was put forward to deduce the theoretical calculation formula of the lateral stiffness of walls.Combining with test data and finite element analysis results,the practical calculation formula of the lateral stiffness of walls with steel X-strap bracing on both sides was proposed.And the calculation results of the practical calculation formula agree well with experimental data and finite element results.The calculation model of the maximum shear resistance of the wall was proposed by studying the possible failure modes of the walls under the horizontal force.Combining with test data and finite element analysis results,the practical calculation formulae of the maximum shear resistance of walls with steel X-strap bracing on both sides were obtained.And the calculation results of the formulae are consistent with test data and finite element analysis results.
作者 郭鹏 陈卫海
出处 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期19-23,49,共6页 Building Structure
基金 <冷弯薄壁型钢结构技术规范>国家标准管理组专题研究项目
关键词 冷弯型钢骨架墙体 抗侧移刚度 抗剪承载力 计算公式 cold-formed steel framing wall lateral stiffness shear resistance practical calculation formula
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