

Comparative Analysis on Knowledge Management Maturity Models
摘要 比较分析了基于能力成熟度的知识管理成熟度模型(CMM-Based KMMM)、非基于能力成熟度的知识管理成熟度模型(Non-CMM-Based KMMM)和通用知识管理成熟度模型(G-KMMM)在成熟度等级、等级特征与关键流程领域的异同,发现上述三类知识管理成熟度模型在模型基础、模型结构上是相同的,但在关键流程领域要素、评价方法、应用现状与趋势上是不同的。通用知识管理成熟度模型尽管是很全面和实用的,但仍需在实践中进一步验证与完善。 This paper comparatively analyses the similarities and differences in maturity levels, chrematistics of maturity levels and key process areas for capability maturity model-based knowledge management maturity models (CMM-Based KMMM), non-capability maturity model-based knowledge management maturity models (Non-CMM-Based KMMM)and general knowledge management maturity models (G-KMMM), and finds the three kinds of knowledge management maturity models above- mentioned are alike in model basis and structure, but different in key process area, evaluation method, current status and trend in application. Although general knowledge management maturity models are very comprehensive and practical, they need to be further tested and perfected in practices.
作者 尤霞光
出处 《情报科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期338-341,共4页 Information Science
关键词 知识管理 成熟度模型 比较分析 knowledge management maturity model comparative analysis
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