
利用微卫星标记分析4个食蟹猴群体的遗传多样性 被引量:5

Analysis of genetic diversity of four Macaca fascicularis populations with microsatellite markers
摘要 利用7个恒河猴源微卫星标记和4个人源微卫星标记共11个标记,分析了来源于柬埔寨(Pop1)、老挝(Pop2)、越南1(Pop3)和越南2(Pop4)共4个群体食蟹猴的遗传多样性。研究结果显示,所选择的11个微卫星位点表现出很高的多态性,群体内的多态性较低,存在较严重的近亲交配。Hardy-Weinberg平衡检测说明4个群体在这11个位点上均处于不平衡状态,可能存在较严重的人工选择繁育。亚群体内的固定指数平均为0.526 2,说明群体内存在近亲交配;亚种群间的固定指数均值为0.016 6,说明各群体间的遗传分化很小;各位点上的基因流均值为14.814 2,说明其交流很活跃,可有效地防止因遗传漂移而产生的遗传分化。从基于Nei氏标准遗传距离的UPGMS聚类图看出,先是Pop3和Pop4聚为一类,再和Pop1聚在一起,最后和Pop2聚在一起,其结果和其地理分布所表现的遗传差异一致。 The genetic diversity of Macaca fascicularis from four populations was analyzed by using eleven microsatel-lite markers including seven rhesus-derived markers and four human-derived makers.The four populations came from Cambodia(Pop 1),Laos(Pop 2),Vietnam 1(Pop 3) and Vietnam 2(Pop 4),respectively.It is illuminated that the high polymorphism was showed in 11 microsatellite locus.There was low polymorphism and seriously inbreeding within the groups.The unbalance on 11 locus from four groups was proved according to Hardy-Weinberg test.There may be more serious artificial selection inbreeding.When Fis is 0.526 2,it showed that inbreeding was existed within groups.The Fst is 0.016 6,meaning that the genetic differentiation between groups is very small.The gene flow on every locus is 14.814 2,showing that the exchange of them is active.It may be effective by preventing genetic from differentiation because of genetic drift.According to dendrogram of UPGMS based on Nei's Unbiased Measures of genetic distance,Pop3 clustered with Pop4,after that clustered with Popl,lastly clustered with Pop2.It is conformed to the distribution of geography corresponded to their genetic diversity.
出处 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期444-448,共5页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30860039) 广西科学研究与技术开发计划资助项目(0815011-6-3)
关键词 食蟹猴 微卫星标记 遗传多样性 Macaca fascicularis microsatellite markers genetic diversity
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