
托吡酯治疗酒依赖临床疗效观察 被引量:6

Observation on Clinical Effect of Topiramate in the Treatment of Alcohol Dependence
摘要 目的观察托吡酯治疗酒依赖的临床疗效与安全性。方法采用随机双盲对照研究方法对符合入组标准的78例酒依赖患者分为单一服用托吡酯组和安慰剂治疗组,疗程24周。在入组前和入组后2、4、8、12、24周末进行酒精依赖疾患识别测验(Alcohol Use Disorder Test,AUDIT),强制性饮酒问卷(The Obsessive Compulsive Drinking Scale,OCDS),症状自评量表(SCL-90),副反应量表(TESS)评定,治疗结束对两组总体疗效进行对比。结果托吡酯组在戒酒总体疗效、对酒渴求程度、异常心理状态改善等方面明显优于安慰剂组,治疗中出现一些轻度药物副反应,随治疗进展逐渐缓解。结论托吡酯对戒酒治疗疗效肯定,能有效改善饮酒行为,降低酒依赖程度,加强心理防御机制,同时药物不良反应轻,持续时间较短,提高患者治疗依从性,降低复饮率,对酒依赖的治疗安全有效。 Objective To observe the clinical effect and safty of Topiramate in the treatment of the patients with alcohol dependence.Methods A total of 78 cases of patients with alcohol dependence were divided into Topiramate and placebo treatment groups for 12 weeks according to the randomized double-blind study.Then after 2,4,8,12 and 24 weeks of treatment,the effect was evaluated and compared by AUDIT,OCDS,TESS and SCL-90 scales,and the overall efficacy was compared in the end of treatment.Results Topiramate was significantly better than placebo in the overall effect,craing degree and abnormal psychology.There were some mild drug side-effects easing gradually while the treatment progress.Conclusions Topiramate is effective in treating alcohol dependence.It can improve drinking behaviors effectively,reduce the degree of alcohol dependence,strengthen mechanism of psychic defenses;it can improve adherence,reduce relapse for its mild and short-time drug side-effects.Topiramate is safe and effective in the treatment of alcohol dependence.
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2011年第2期156-158,共3页 China Journal of Health Psychology
关键词 托吡酯 酒依赖 复饮 Topiramate(TPM) Alcohol dependence Relapse
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