

Introduction of Ethics of Responsibility and Teaching Reform about Dialectics of Nature
摘要 在社会生活和科学技术不断变化的新形势下,在自然辩证法教学中引入责任伦理观十分必要,可以进一步突显其科学?人文素质教育的双重功能。根据责任伦理观的内涵和现实国情,我们要积极培养理工科研究生对科学技术事业健全发展、社会进步和自然界的责任意识。为此,需要把责任伦理观融合到自然辩证法教学实践中,通过增补自然辩证法教学内容来体现责任伦理观;通过任课教师的教学理念来落实责任伦理观;通过案例教学来强化责任伦理观。 While social life,science and technology change constantly at present,it is necessary to introduce ethics of responsibility to the teaching about dialectics of nature.Thus,it helps to further highlight its double functions of scientific and humanistic education.According to the connotation of ethics of responsibility and the situation of our country,we must actively cultivate the responsibility consciousness of science and engineering graduate students about the sound development of science and technology,social progress and nature.Therefore,it is necessary to integrate the responsibility ethics into the teaching practice of dialectics of nature by the addition of ethics of responsibility content,concept of the responsibility of teaching ethics and case teaching ethics.
作者 刘科
出处 《湖北第二师范学院学报》 2011年第1期111-113,共3页 Journal of Hubei University of Education
基金 河南省教育科学"十一五"规划2009年课题(2009-JKGHAG-0315) 河南省教育厅人文社会科学研究项目(2009-JD-019)
关键词 自然辩证法 理工科研究生 责任伦理观 dialectics of nature science and engineering graduate students ethics of responsibility
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