
一种声电式滑觉传感器的实现与测试 被引量:3

Realization and tests of acoustic-electric slipping sensor
摘要 滑觉检测是机械手实现软抓取的关键环节,提出了一种简易低成本的、以声电转换器为基础的滑觉传感器,该传感器通过声电转换器拾取由接触与滑动产生的微振动信号,并将其转换成电信号。具体介绍了以声电转换器为基础实现滑觉传感器的测试分析过程,并介绍了该传感器的结构与工作原理、调理电路和信号处理。测试分析结果表明:该传感器可提供有效的接触与滑动信号,其研究与应用具有一定的可行性。 Slipping detection is important for manipulator grasping object reliably.A simple and low-cost slipping sensor based on acoustic-electric converter is presented.The sensor picked up the micro-vibration signal caused by touching and sliding,and converted it into electric signal by acoustic-electric converter.The test and analysis of the realization processes of the sensor is described in detail.The structure,working principle,conditioning circuit and signal processing of the sensor is introduced.The result of the test and analysis demonstrates that it can provide effective touching and sliding signals,and the study and application of the sensor have certain feasibility.
出处 《传感器与微系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期128-131,共4页 Transducer and Microsystem Technologies
关键词 滑觉传感器 机械手 声电转换器 驻极体 传声器 slipping sensor manipulator acoustic-electric converter electret microphone
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