

The Heterosexual Friendship in Hudson River Bracketed:A Study of Edith Wharton's Critical Approval of the New Woman
摘要 作为伊迪斯·华顿后期最重要的作品之一,《哈德逊画派》包含着作者对20世纪20年代新女性改革运动的回应。在这部小说中,古典的友谊模式在世纪之交的新女性那里得到重新诠释,成为对抗主流男权话语、谋取性别平等的理想武器。本文认为,对于新女性在现有性别体系下寻求变革的尝试,华顿始终抱以批判性的认同态度。以哈洛为代表的女性通过建立智性的两性关系,虽然实现了对传统友谊话语的挑战,但依旧无法摆脱性别差异所造成的社会压力。 This essay is an examination of the theme of literary representation of friendship in Edith Wharton's Hudson River Bracketed.By focusing on the new womanly character,it studies the ways Wharton perceives and comments on the New Woman's disturbing yet impressive propositions on gender relations.The ties between Vance and Halo allude to but significantly revise the classical friendship that crosses the boundaries of class and age.Embedded in the constraints on the intellectual companionship between Halo and Vance is the assumption of an underlying sexual difference.
作者 程心
出处 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期68-75,共8页 Foreign Literatures
基金 2010年教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(10YJC752006) 2010年上海高校选拔培养优秀青年教师科研专项基金项目资助
关键词 新女性 友谊 伊迪斯·华顿 the New Woman friendship Edith Wharton
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  • 1R. W. B. Lewis, EdithWharton. A Biography (New York. Harper & Row, 1975) , 490 页. Edith Wharton, Hudson River Bracketed (NewYork. D. Appleton, 1929).
  • 2R. W. B. Lewis, Edith Wharton. A Biography (New York. Harper & Row, 1975), p. 395.
  • 3Elizabeth Ammons, Edith Wharton's Argument with America (Athens. U of Georgia P, 1980), p. 160, p. 162.
  • 4Carol J. Singley, Edith Wharton. Matters of Mind and Spirit (Cambridge. Cambridge UP, 1995), p. 195, p. 203.
  • 5Elizabeth Ammons, Edith Wharton's Argument with America (Athens. U of Georgia P, 1980), 159 页.
  • 6Gloria C. Erlich, TheSexual Education of Edith Wharton (Berkeley. U of California P, 1992), 149页.
  • 7CarolWershoven, The Female Intruder in the Novels of Edith Wharton (Rutherford. Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1982), 20页.
  • 8Robin Peel, Apart from Modernism. Edith Wharton, Politics, and Fiction before World War I ( Madison . Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2005), 41, 19-20 页.
  • 9Elizabeth Ammons, Edith Wharton's Argument with America (Athens. U of Georgia P, 1980), 160页.
  • 10Ann I-Ieilmann, New Woman Fiction. Women Writing First Wave Feminism (New York. St. Martin's, 2000) , p. 57.








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