
价值的载体与欲望的对象——托尼·莫里森小说《爱》中的女性身体 被引量:14

The Carrier of Value and Desire:On the Female Body in Toni Morrison's Love
摘要 作为一个关注受压迫女性形象的黑人女作家,托尼·莫里森在其新作《爱》中将注意力放在主体性建立的物质基础即人的肉体之上。在小说中,无论是反映男性期盼的母亲的身体,还是作为商品交换的处女的身体,或是处于男性凝视下的、被剥夺繁育能力的女性身体,都沦为反射使用价值和交换价值的载体和欲望的对象。在伊里加蕾理论的关注下,通过解读灵魂和肉体的分离,本文旨在揭示女性对自身身体控制的脆弱导致女性无法在沦为"他者"的身份中构建自身主体。 As Toni Morrison has always been an author caring about the oppressed women images in her novels,she pays special attention to the corporeality which can be regarded as the material foundation of subjectivity in Love.In the novel,all bodies—the mother's body,which reflects institutionalized patriarchal norms,the girl's body under male gaze,the virgin's body,which is"sold"and evaluated by man,or the female body deprived of maternal creation—are directed at men's desire and carry the exchange and use value.Based on the Iragarian theories,this paper points out that it is difficult for women to establish their subjectivity in this"Otherness"because of women's vulnerability in self-control.
作者 翟文婧
出处 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期136-143,共8页 Foreign Literatures
基金 广东省"211工程"三期重点学科建设项目之一"女性主义视角下的20世纪英美女作家研究"的中期成果 广东外语外贸大学"211工程"项目资助
关键词 托尼·莫里森 《爱》 女性身体 女性主体性 Toni Morrison Love female body female subjectivity
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