
用于图像传输的改进的LDPC码译码算法 被引量:1

Improved Decoding Algorithm Based on LDPC Codes in Image Transmission
摘要 为了改善改进的加权比特翻转(IWBF)算法的误比特率性能以及译码收敛速度,结合并行比特翻转算法的特性,提出了在IWBF算法的每次迭代中一次更新多个比特的标准,并将这种算法应用于图像传输中。仿真结果表明,改进的算法不但误码性能优于IWBF算法约0.5 dB,性能明显改善,译码收敛速度也大大提高,并能实现图像的快速高质量传输。 In order to improve the performance and the decoding convergence speed of the improved weighted bit-flipping algorithm (IWBF), an algorithm based on the characteristics of parallei bit-flipping algorithm which updates multiple bits in each iteration is presented. This algorithm is also used in the image transmission. Simulation results show that the improved algorithm can enable significant improvement in bit error performance, and the decoding convergence speed is greatly improved. The image transmission can obtain high speed and high equality.
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2011年第5期5-7,共3页 Video Engineering
基金 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR2009GM026)
关键词 LDPC码 改进的加权比特翻转算法 图像传输 LDPC codes improved weighted bit-flipping algorithm image transmission
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