

CPot Honeypot System in Library Network Applications
摘要 提出一种融合网络望远镜和入侵检测思想的分布式蜜罐CPot(Click-based honeyPot)。通过在外网联通的虚拟数字图书馆实验平台中部署CPot,在图书馆的安全系统中进行长达半年的测试,证明CPot具备监控范围广、捕获能力强、功能强大和安全性好等特点,经验证CPot可以极大地提高数字图书馆的安全性,在图书馆网络安全方面有较高的实用价值。 The paper presents a distributed honeypot system CPot ( Click - based honeyPot) which fuses network telescope and intrusion detection. The author deploys CPot in a virtual digital library which is connected to public network, and carries out half a year of test in library security system. The resuh proves that CPot can increase the security of digital library and has a high practical value in library security.
作者 朱晓东
出处 《现代图书情报技术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期94-99,共6页 New Technology of Library and Information Service
关键词 Click路由器 蜜罐 网络望远镜 流量分析 数字图书馆 Click router Honeypot Network telescope Traffic analysis Digital library
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