
并联决策单元的动态DEA效率评价研究 被引量:11

Dynamic DEA Efficiency Evaluation for DMU with Parallel Structure
摘要 具有并联决策单元内部结构的系统是一类具有代表性的复杂生产系统,其内部结构已不再是传统观念的黑箱,而是由多个并联(平行)的生产单位组成。在已有并联决策单元DEA效率评价方法的基础上加入时间维度,增加规划问题的约束条件,推演出该种复杂系统的动态DEA效率评价指标,并以中国14家商业银行的数据进行实证。研究结果表明,2005年至2008年没有一家银行的动态效率指数为0,这说明中国银行系统的生产效率并没有达到最优;中国商业银行的地区效率基本遵循沿海地区-中部地区-西部地区依次递减的态势,此规律在中国国有银行中的体现更为明显;影响银行效率改进的主要原因是各银行本身的差异,而不是不同经济区域之间的环境差别。 The parallel system with parallel structure is a typical complex system whose inside structure is combined with many parallel production units instead of the traditional black box.Integrating the time dimension with DEA efficiency evaluation method for DMU with parallel structure,and adding the constraints of planning,the dynamic DEA efficiency evaluation index was demonstrated.We took 14 commercial banks as example to demonstrate it.The result shows that firstly no bank has zero dynamic indexes from 2005 to 2008 which indicates our bank′s production efficiency did not get optimal.Secondly,the district efficiency follows the situation which decreases progressively from costal areas to central areas and western area.This pattern is embodied more obviously in state-owned banks.Thirdly,the proper differences among banks are the main reason to influence the improvement of bank efficiency instead of the regional environment differences.
作者 赵萌
机构地区 暨南大学金融系
出处 《管理科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期90-97,共8页 Journal of Management Science
基金 国家社会科学基金(10CJY021)~~
关键词 数据包络分析 并联决策单元 动态效率评价 商业银行 data envelopment analysis(DEA) DMU with parallel structure dynamic efficiency evaluation commercial banks
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