

Study on Current-carrier Friction and Wear Characteristics of Ti_3SiC_2 by Reactive Melt Infiltration Sintering
摘要 采用反应熔渗法制备Ti3SiC2陶瓷材料;利用HST-100销盘式高速载流摩擦试验机,在法向载荷为20 N,滑动速度为5~25 m/s,电流为15~35 A的条件下,研究高纯致密Ti3SiC2材料的载流摩擦磨损行为。结果表明:采用反应熔渗法能够制备出高纯致密的Ti3SiC2陶瓷材料;Ti3SiC2材料表现出良好的载流摩擦磨损特性;通过SEM和EDS观察分析表明,载流条件下Ti3SiC2材料的摩擦磨损主要由机械摩擦和电弧烧蚀的交互作用。 The Ti3SiC2 ceramic was prepared by reactive melt inliltration sintering. The shdlng Inction and wear behavior of highly pure TiaSiC2 were studied in the presence of an electlic current. Tests were carried out on a HST-100 pin-on-disc type friction tester with electric current, normal pressure 20 N, different sliding speeds from 5 m/s to 25 m/s and different electric current from 15 A to 35 A. The results show that highly pure Ti3SiC2 ceramic has been prepared by reactive melt infiltration sintering. Ti3SiC2 exhibits good friction and wear characteristics with an electric current. The observation and analysis by SEM and EDS shows that the major influencing factors of current-carrier friction and wear characteristics of Ti3SiC: is mechanical friction and micro-electric-arc ablation.
出处 《润滑与密封》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期85-88,共4页 Lubrication Engineering
基金 陕西省自然科学基金项目(2007E104)
关键词 TI3SIC2 反应熔渗烧结 载流摩擦磨损 titanium silicon carbide reactive melt infiltration sintering friction and wear at current-carrier
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