
政策学习与全球化时代的话语权力——从政策知识到“合法性”的寻求 被引量:11

Policy learning and the power of discourse in the globalization trends:from policy knowledge to the "legitimacy" seeking
摘要 跨国家层面的政策学习是全球化时代的基本特征之一。而原本旨在"解决问题"的政策学习却在造成大规模政策趋同的同时,也不断剥夺着发展中国家的话语权力。拉美国家经济政策和中国技术标准政策学习的两个案例,都表明了传统政策学习理论所信仰的政策知识中立的预设难以成立。引入STS建构主义的视角则可揭示出:一方面政策话语作为一种边界对象,更多是为发展中国家的施政提供了"合法性";另一方面,发达国家通过话语权力的建构形塑发展中国家的认知和行动。在发达国家过河拆桥地限制真正的"好"政策并通过智库渗透等更加隐蔽的手段宣扬所谓的"好"政策的形势下,发展中国家更应该对政策学习中的话语权争夺提高警惕。 Policy learning between countries is one of the main trends in globalization.The policy learning aimed to "solve the puzzling" however,does bereave the power of policy discourse of developing countries while creating large-scale convergence.This paper criticized about the existing policy learning literature on the presumption of policy knowledge "neutral" and argued by reviewing of historical cases of policy learning by the Latin America for the economic policy,as well as the standardization policy learning by China,and pointed out that: policy discourse as boundary objects does provide the "legitimacy" for the policy administration beyond "puzzling".On the other hand,the power construction of the developed countries by the leading their policy discourse does shape the cognition and action of developing countries.The developing countries thus,should pay more attention to the fighting for the power of policy discourse,especially in the situation that developed countries prevents the real "good" policies diffusion like kicking away the ladder,and more under-cover ways such as infiltration via thinking tank is used to promote the so-called "good" policies.
作者 王程韡
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期321-326,共6页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(20100470164)
关键词 政策学习 全球化 政策话语 话语权力 边界对象 policy learning globalization policy discourse power of discourse boundary objects
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