
层级组织知识扩散绩效及其优化策略 被引量:7

Research on knowledge diffusion performance and optimization strategies in hierarchical organization
摘要 针对层级组织中知识扩散特征,构建了层级组织的知识扩散及其绩效度量模型,在此基础上利用仿真技术,对层级组织的知识扩散绩效进行了分析,并提出了提高层级组织知识扩散绩效的优化策略。研究结果表明:(1)过窄或者过宽的管理幅度均不利于层级组织的知识扩散,层级组织应在尽量消除"部门墙"的负面影响下,合理设置管理幅度;(2)畅捷的信息通道对提高知识扩散绩效至关重要;(3)知识均衡发展策略不利于组织的知识扩散,而强者愈强的策略则使知识增长效应明显;(4)更新速度快的知识在层级组织中的分布更为相对均匀。 The knowledge diffusion model and its performance measurement model were presented based on its diffusion features in hierarchical organization.The diffusion performance was analyzed by use of simulation method.The optimization strategies were also addressed.The main findings were as follows:(i)Too narrow or too broad span of control maybe slowed knowledge diffusion.The organization should set the reasonable span of control and try to avoid the negative effects of department wall.(ii)The expedite information channel was critical to knowledge diffusion.(iii)Uniform development strategy hindered knowledge diffusion.On the contrary the acceleration of knowledge level was obvious when strong-get-stronger adopted.(iv)Faster the knowledge diffused,more equably the knowledge was distributed in the organization.
作者 黄训江
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期413-419,共7页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71003017)
关键词 层级组织 知识扩散 仿真 管理幅度 绩效 hierarchical organization knowledge diffusion simulation span of control performance
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