

Adaptive MLSE Algorithm in Rayleigh Fading Channels
摘要 由于在数字移动通信中要考虑多径和多普勒频移的影响,建立了瑞利时变衰落信道模型,并使用最大似然序列检测算法实现均衡。它的基本思想是在MLSE算法中插入信道估计算法,不断跟踪实时信道变化并及时更新。为降低复杂度,研究了传统的自适应MLSE算法和逐幸存MLSE两种经典算法,仿真表明,当多普勒频移较小时,两种算法有相近的性能,而前者的复杂度更小。 Considering the effects of multipath and Doppler frequency shift in the digital mobile communication,the paper establishes a time-varying Rayleigh fading channel model and uses the maximum likelihood sequence detection algorithm to achieve equalization.Its basic idea is to insert the channel estimation algorithm into the MLSE algorithm,and then track and update the changes of the channel continuously.To lower complexity,this paper studies the conventional adaptive MLSE and per-survivor processing MLSE algorithm.Simulation shows that when the Doppler frequency shift is small,the two algorithm has similar performance with the former less complex.
作者 王寅
出处 《电子科技》 2011年第3期91-93,共3页 Electronic Science and Technology
关键词 瑞利衰落 最大似然序列检测(MLSE) 信道估计 逐幸存处理 Rayleigh fading maximum likelihood sequence estimation channel estimation per-survivor processing
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