本文报道了无蹼壁虎(Gekkeswinhonis) 的繁殖习性。雌雄体在外形上存在一定差别。雌雄体性腺具有季节性变化。6—7 月产卵, 每产2 枚, 年产卵一次, 卵径13-45 (12-0 —15-6) ×9-43 (7-8—10-7) m m ; 卵产在各种缝隙中。7 月中旬开始出现当年孵化出的幼体。
This paper reports the breeding habits of Gekko swinhonis in Beining and Huludao cities,Liaoning.There are certain differences on the appearace of the male and female.The sex gland of them changes with the season.The female geckos lay eggs from June to July in some of cracks.Two eggs a year.The size of eggs is 13 45(12 0—15 6)×9 43(7 8—10 7)mm.The newly-hatched young one starts to appear in the middle of July.Human activities affect their living and breeding habits mostly.
Sichuan Journal of Zoology