
基于GATE程序的MicroPET系统设计Monte Carlo模拟验证 被引量:1

Monte Carlo simulation using GATE to verify the MicroPET system design
摘要 MicroPET是专用于小动物成像的分子核医学成像设备。该文使用Monte Carlo程序GATE,模拟了MicroPET成像系统整环探测器结构,对探测器晶体结构进行了比较精确的建模,实现了γ光子在体模内和整环探测器上硅酸镥(LSO)晶体内输运过程的模拟。通过实验室计算机集群GATE程序的并行化模拟,提高了模拟效率,获得了点源、线源、圆柱源、Derenzo模型的投影数据以及系统传输矩阵,并重建获得了断层图像。模拟结果验证了该MicroPET系统的设计。 MicroPET(small animal positron emission tomography) is a dedicated molecular imaging device for small animal imaging.A Monte Carlo simulation program was used to simulate the entire ring detector of a MicroPET system using the GATE program.The crystal model structure of the detector was more precisely modeled with a simulation of the γ photon transport in the phantom and the Lu2(SiO4)O(LSO) crystal.The simulation efficiency was greatly improved through parallel computing to obtain projection data for various sources,including a point source,a line source,a cylindrical source,and a Derenzo phantom.The system transfer matrix was determined and used to reconstruct slice images using the output data.The simulation results verify the MicroPET system design.
出处 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期1934-1938,共5页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
基金 国家“八六三”高技术项目(2006AA020802) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(10975086)
关键词 MICROPET MONTE CARLO方法 环形探测器 MicroPET Monte Carlo method cylindrical detector
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