
球茎甘蓝花托及花柄切口直接出芽的研究 被引量:1

The sutdy of the bud organogenesis from floral receptacles and cuts of pedicel in Brassica caulorapa
摘要 培养球茎甘蓝( Brassica caulorapa)的带有花托、花柄和子房的外植体。在附加 B A 和 G A3 的培养基上,花托部位直接出芽;在附加不同浓度 B A 的培养基和附加 B A 和 G A3 的培养基上均诱导花柄切口直接出芽,在附加 B A 和 N A A 的培养基上,花托花柄切口剧烈增生愈伤组织。组织细胞学观察了芽的发生过程,结果表明:花托芽是由靠近维管束的多个皮层薄壁细胞恢复分裂能力形成,并与母体建立维管联系;花柄切口出芽是由皮层几个相靠近的薄壁细胞恢复分裂能力共同形成,与母体没有维管联系;花托增生愈伤组织也是皮层薄壁细胞剧烈分裂的结果。 Culturing the explants containing floral receptacles,pedicels and ovaries in Brassica caulorapa ,the direct bud organogenesis had been induced.On the media of MS plus BA and GA 3,the direct bud organogenesis could be induced from floral receptacles.On MS plus BA or MS plus BA and GA 3,the direct bud oranogenesis from pedicels induced.On MS plus BA and NAA,the calli from floral receptacles and pedicels.The results of studies on histocytological observation revealed that the FRB D (direct floral receptacle bud organogenesis) originated from contex parenchyma cells near bundles and had connections with latter of the mothers body.The FSB D (direct pedicel bud organogenesis) originated from divisions of contex parenchyma cells,which did not connect with the bunders of the mothers body.The callus proliferation of floral receptacle and pedicel was the results of divisions of contex parenchyma cells.
出处 《西北植物学报》 CAS CSCD 1999年第3期446-449,共4页 Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica
关键词 球茎甘蓝 花托 花柄 直接出芽 Brassica caulorapa floral receptacle pedicel direct organogenesis
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  • 1李文彬,遗传学报,1986年,13卷,184页



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