长青国家自然保护区有种子植物 146 科、730 属、1792 种。对保护区种子植物区系统计分析的结果表明:(1)保护区内种子植物种类丰富,有裸子植物 7 科、16 属、24 种;被子植物139 科、714 属、1768 种。(2)区系成分复杂,属的地理分布类型有 15 个及变型 19 个。其中温带分布占 65.2% ,热带分布占 30.3% ,温带分布占一定的优势,但同时表现出与热带亚热带成分过渡的特点。(3)原始、残遗植物成分较多,表现出保护区植物区系的古老性。(4)有中国种子植物特有属 30 属,国家级保护的稀有濒危植物 30 种,陕西省省级保护植物 16 种。分析结果认为,长青国家自然保护区是秦岭山地植物种类极为丰富的地区之一,也是构成秦岭种子植物区系的重要组成之一。
There are 1792 species seed plants belonging to 730 genera in 146 families in the floriestic region of Changqing National Reserve.Based on the statistics,the results as follows:(1) It is richer in number of seed plants with about 24 species (belonging to 16 genera in 7 families) of gymnosperms;348 species (belonging to 160 genera in 22 fami lies) of monocotyledon;1420 species (belonging to 554 genera in 117 families) of dicotyledon.(2) There are 15 distribution types of genera of seed plants and 19 subtypes in the reserve.It has 65.2% of various temperate distribution types and 30.3% of tropical elements.So that it is chiefly temperate in nature and has certain transional nature with tropical and subtropical.(3) There are larger proportion of archaic,relic and primitive plants in the reserve.(4) It has 30 genera of Chinese endemic genera,30 species of rare and endangered plants and 16 species provincial protected plants of Shaanxi.The analysis results indicated that the floristic region of Changqing National Reserve is one of the important composition area of Qinling flora.
Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica