λ噬菌体 N 蛋白不仅是抗转录终止的正调控因子,也是在翻译水平上阻遏自身基因表达的负调控蛋白.nut R N A 位点(包括 box A 和 box B)参与了这两种生物效应.对位于左向操纵子(p L)的 nut L 序列进行了突变后,证明 nut L 缺失及 box B 第 6 位核苷酸突变使 N 丧失了正、负调控功能,提示 nut L 在 N 介导的调控反应中是必需的.nut L 序列中 box A 单碱基突变使 N 丧失了正调控功能,部分保留了负调控功能.这种负调控作用导至极性效应,使 lac Z基因转录水平明显下降.
Lambda Phage N protein regulates the transcription of early phage genes by participating in the formation of a terminator resistant transcription complex and therefore positively regulates the expression of genes lying downstrean of transcriptional terminators.N also has an additional regulatory role,as a repressor of translation of its own gene.Using a lacZ and galK double reporter system,β galactosidase and galactokinase levels reflected the degree of N\|mediated translation repression of an N lacZ gene fusion and transcription antitermination through terminators to galK .The relationship between the two N\|mediated functions was explored. nutL was the RNA site to which N bound to carry out these functions.As expected a nutL deletion and a single base substitution in the N binding site of nutL ( boxB) eliminated both N mediated functions.Another part of nutL (boxA ) was also tested.It is thought to bind Nus factors required for antitermination with N. box A mutations eliminated antitermination instead of translation repression by N protein.
Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology