
中国风机制造技术转移模式与技术进步效果评价 被引量:3

Models of Wind Turbine Manufacturing Technology Transfer in China and Evaluation on Technology Progress Effects
摘要 根据技术转移过程中技术受方的性质,将中国风机制造技术转移分为"外商独资企业"、"中外合资企业"和"中资企业"三种模式。通过技术转移的层次、技术先进程度、技术转移的规模、技术转移的速度,对三种模式下技术转移的效果进行了评价。研究发现,通过技术转移,中国风机制造技术有了迅速的发展,但落后于国际先进水平的情况仍没有改变。中资企业的技术转移模式在转移技术的层次、技术转移规模和技术转移速度上,都要优于外商独资企业和中外合资企业模式,对中国风机制造技术进步的作用更大。在此基础上,本文提出,在中资企业模式下,在引进技术的同时,积极消化吸收,并重视与外国企业开展联合研发,才能最终获得创新能力。这也应当成为中国政府激励政策作用的重点。 According to the type of technology recipients, authors categorize wind turbine manufacturing technology transfer in China into three models : the ' foreign-owned enterprise' model, the ' joint venture' model and the ' Chinese enterprise' model. Through the level of technologies transferred, technology advancing level, technology transfer scale and technology transfer speed, and the effect of the three models is evaluated. This paper draws such a conclusion that China has made a substantial progress through technology transfer. However, it still lags behind the international advanced level. Chinese enterprise model has better performance on the level, scale and speed of technology transfer, playing a more important role in promoting technology progress in China. The study results show that, in order to gain innovation capacity, Chinese enterprises should introduce and absorb advanced technologies actively, and conduct joint R&D with foreign companies. This should also become the priority of government incentive policies.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期64-70,共7页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"低碳经济若干重大问题研究"(编号:09JZD0020) 中国人民大学校内科研基金重点面上项目(编号:08XNA006)
关键词 风机制造技术 技术转移 技术进步 效果评价 wind turbine manufacturing technologies technology transfer technology progress effects evaluation
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