按遗传交配的 NCⅡ设计选择中国云南地方陆稻早、中、晚粳品种13个为父本组,中国东北为主的北方早、中粳稻品种11个为母本组,两组间互交。研究表明:(1)生育期一般配合力在两生态区域各自品种群内的品种间差异皆极显著,特殊配合力在不同交配间差异也很显著。一般配合力主要,特殊配合力次要。生育期广义、狭义遗传力都极高。(2)北方早、中粳×云南高海拔陆粳,生育期一般配合力与双方品种本身生育期都呈显著线性相关,这两类群间可不需配合力测定。北方早、中粳×云南中、低海拔陆粳生育期一般配合力只在云南品种群内与品种本身呈线性相关,在北方品种群内无相关,这两类群间配合力测定必要.对云南品种的中、晚粳,北方粳中有低配合力类型存在。
According to NCⅡ model,thirteen early,mid and late native varieties of upla- nd rice(Oryza sativa L.)in Yunnan composed of a male parents group,and ele- ven early and mid keng varieties,a female parents group.The hybrids F:were got by crossing between both the groups.The results indicated that the variance of periodic general combining abilities in both the ecogroups were highly signifi- cant,and the variance of the specific combining abilities too.The generalco- mbining abilities were all p rimarypandthe specific combining abilities here rather less important relatively.The periodic h_b^2and h_n^2 values were all extremely high. When crossing early and mid keng in North China with Yunnan's high elevati- on's upland varieties,the periodic general combining ability of varieties is signi- ficantly correlative to the period of both the varieties themselven,the combining ability analysis,therefore,is not necessary,and when crossing with yunnan- middlle and low elevation's,there are no any correlations within North China's varieties,therefore the combining ability analysis is necessary.To mid and late maturity in Yunnan,there'are the varieties which periodic general combi- ning ability values are low in north Keng.