通过介绍μC/OS-Ⅱ实时操作系统中的时间管理功能,分析了系统中任务延时的优缺点。研究了一种基于硬件的延时机制,以提高系统的运行速度与实时性。在C8051 F120单片机上进行测试,经实验得出此方法可以提高系统的实时性,减少系统的额外开销。
This paper introduces time management function of the C/OS-Ⅱ real-time operating system, and analyzes advantages and dis- advantages of the system task delay. A hardware-based delay mechanism is studied, improving the system running speed and real-time performance. Test is carried out on C8051F 120 microcontroller and proves that this method can improve the system real-time performance and reduce overhead.
Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems