The load distribution along the tooth trace of gears is of im- portance to their bearing capacity, therefore, it is necessary for us to make a concrete analysis of the load distribution along the gear tooth trace before discussing the gear bearing capacity. The Circu- lar-Arc-Tooth-Trace cylinder (CATT)gear has a tooth trace which is a curve in three dimensional space and a complex tooth flanks shape. In addition, the gear tooth and its support system (includ- ing shaft, bearing and bearing base etc) get out of shape during working time. so, the question to be discussed is very complicated. This paper makes a study of load distribution along the tooth trace of CATT gear under the ideal condition, combinipg theory etical analysis with experiments and simplifying the mathematical model. The theoretical formula for load distribution coefficient is obtained which is verified in the experiments.
culindrieal gears
loads distribution coefficiens
calculation models