目的开发住院病人跌倒风险评估量表,以筛选出跌倒高风险病人进行预报、监控,降低跌倒发生率。方法根据研究目标及评估对象的特点,查阅文献、咨询专家及问卷调查,拟定问题条目并进行筛选和优化,确定量表初步维度、条目及应答等级,形成初始量表,再通过预试验、专家考评、修订与改进,最终确定风险评估量表的维度、形式和条目。结果住院病人跌倒风险评估量表由4个维度(病理维度、生理维度、心理维度、生物力学维度),12个跌倒风险因素条目组成,按Likert 2级或3级评分。专家评价内容效度为0.96,Cronbach’sα信度系数为0.87,重测信度为0.91。结论此量表具有一定的效度,能筛选出高风险病人进行跌倒的预防、监控,但在实际运用中仍需逐步完善。
Objective To develop Evaluation Scale for Risks of Falls of Inpatient and to screen and monitor inpatients with high risk of falls so as to reduce incidence of falls. Methods Items of the scale were screened and optimized in accordance with research aim, literature reviewing and expert consulting. Final version of the scale was established after many rounds of revision. Results The scale consisted of four dimensions and twelve items, including pathological, physiological, psychological and biomechanics dimension. The score was marked with level 2 or 3 of Likert Scale. Its content validity was 0.96, Cronbach’s α coefficient was 0.87, retest reliability coefficient was 0.91. Conclusion Evaluation Scale for Risks of Falls of Inpatient is valid to screen patients with high risk of falls while it still needs to be perfect in clinical use.
Journal of Nursing(China)