目的了解金华市居民的健康状况和主要疾病死亡原因,为政府相关部门制定卫生规划和疾病预防控制策略提供参考依据。方法对2008年金华市居民死亡及人口监测资料进行统计分析,采用国际疾病分类法(ICD-10)进行编码,以2000年全国人口普查年龄构成标准进行死亡率的标化,进一步计算各种死亡疾病的减寿率。结果 2008年金华市人群粗死亡率为647.26/10万,标化死亡率为393.05/10万,男女性死亡比为1.34∶1。居民前5位死因依次为:恶性肿瘤(167.31/10万)、脑血管疾病(124.98/10万)、呼吸系统疾病(105.01/10万)、伤害(80.27/10万)、心脏病(68.19/10万)。减寿分析表明,恶性肿瘤、损伤和中毒及脑血管疾病是影响金华市居民人群寿命上升的三大主要疾病。结论慢性病和伤害是危害监测区居民健康的主要原因,应有针对性地开展健康教育和健康促进工作,加强居民自我保健意识,减少慢性病与伤害的发生。
Objective To analyze the health status and deaths caused by major diseases of the residents in Jinhua,and provide scientific evidence for the development of health regulation and disease prevention and control strategy. Methods The analysis was conducted on the data of resident death and demography surveillance in 2008 in Jinhua. The death causes were classified according to International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition ( ICD - 10 ). The standardization of mortality was conducted on the basis of the age constituent of national population census in 2000, and the rates of years of potential life lost (YPLL) of diseases were calculated. Results The crude mortality of the residents was 647.26/lakh in 2008, the standardized mortality was 393.05/lakh and the male to female ratio of the deaths was 1.34: 1. The first five death causes were malignant tumor (167.31/lakh), cerebrovascular disease (124.98/lakh), respiratory diseases (105. 0l/lakh),injury^poisoning (80. 27/lakh) and heart disease (68. 19/lakh). YPLL analysis showed that malignant tumor, injury/poisoning and cerebrovascular disease were the major factors to reduce life expectancy of residents in Jinhua. Conclusion Chronic non-communicable diseases and injury/poisoning have become the serious risk factors to affect the health of the residents in Jinhua. It is necessary to carry out health education and health promotion to strengthen self-care awareness of the residents and reduce the incidence of chronic disease and poisoning.
Disease Surveillance
death cause
years of potential life lost