目的基于视觉通道以句子为刺激材料,通过对匹配与不匹配两种语义条件下事件相关电位N400差异波的研究,探讨以汉语为第二语言的维吾尔语-汉语双语者汉语认知的神经源分布特点。方法利用事件相关电位(ERP)技术对21名纯右利手、平均年龄(20.3±2.1)岁的女性健康维-汉双语被试,以N400差异波的脑电地形图及差异波两半球对应部位电极的波幅为观测指标进行研究。结果脑电地形图分布可见,N400在300 ms首先激活右中央上区和左额区。315 ms时激活左中央区。330 ms时激活顶枕区、左颞前区。345 ms时除前额及左颞区、右后颞外的大脑各区广泛激活。360 ms时上述各区仍处于激活态,以中央区、顶区较为显著。390 ms时,右中央区仍激活;两半球波幅显著性检验发现,除中央区两半球差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)外,额区、颞区、顶区、枕区差异均无统计学意义。结论维-汉双语者其汉语语义加工模式不同于汉语母语者,也不完全同于其母语从属的拼音文字特点;维、汉双语者汉语语义的处理过程是大脑左右半球协同作用的结果,应以其自身特点指导民族病人的临床实践。
Objective This study investigated the Chinese cognitive neural sources istribution Characteristics of Uighur-Chinese Bilinguals by match and mismatch two semantic N400 different wave of ERP(event-related potentials) technology,which channel is based on visual stimuli to the sentence.Methods Observations are the EEG Topographic of N400 difference wave and the comparisons of corresponding parts of the left and right hemispheres.Using 21 healthy right-handed women,a mean age of(20.3 ± 2.1) years and who are Uighur-Chinese bilinguals.Results Topographic distribution of EEG can be seen,N400 at 300 ms on the first activation of the right medial frontal area and the left parietal area.315 ms activated the left central area.330 ms activated the parietooccipital and left anterior temporal areas.345 ms,except the forehead,left temporal and right posterior temporal,other areas of the brain were widely active.360 ms result is the same as that of 345 ms.However,the central area and the parietal region are significantly more active than the other areas.390 ms,the right central area is still active;The two hemispheres tests found there were no statistical significance in the frontal,temporal,parietal,and occipital regions,whereas the central zone were significant(P〈0.05).Conclusion The Chinese semantic processing model of Uighur-Chinese Bilinguals is different from its native speakers of Chinese,not exactly the same characteristics of their native language dependent phonetic,which semantic processing of the brain hemispheres is the result of synergies.The Guide of the Uighur patients in clinical practice should use its own characteristics.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine