
美国学校布局调整的标准、结果及其改进原则 被引量:7

The Criterions,Results and Improvement Principles of School Layout Adjustment in the USA
摘要 学校布局调整是各国在城市化进程中必然面临的课题。通过对美国学校布局调整的分析可知:美国学校布局调整是以学校的规模、课程提供的全面性、当地的自然条件、经济发展水平等为标准进行的。学校布局调整改善了学校间发展不均衡的状况,但同时也加重了居民的财政负担,导致学生成绩下降以及路途安全隐患等问题。为此,各州教育部门对学校布局调整的程序以及指导原则进行了改进,力图减少由布局调整带来的负面效应。 School layout adjustment is an inextricable challenge which every country has to face' in the process of urbanization. By analyzing school layout adjustment of the US, we can know the criterions of school layout adjustment are the scale of school, comprehensive curriculum, the economic development level and the distance of schools. School layout adjustments promote balance development of education,but it also brings about some problems such as increasing the financial burden of the citizens,leading to the falling of student achievements and the hidden trouble on students way to school. As a result,some state departments of education improve the criterion and procedure in order to decrease negative effects for school layout adjustment.
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期8-13,共6页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目<新农村建设与城镇化推进中农村教育布局调整研究>(项目批准号:07JZD0031) 2009年度教育部"新世纪优秀人才支持计划"项目<城乡教育一体化的政策设计研>(项目编号:NCET-09-0283)
关键词 美国 农村学校布局 标准 结果 改进措施 the USA rural school layout adjustment criterion result improvement measure
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