
违反保护他人法律的过错责任 被引量:53

On the Tortuous Liability of Breach of Statutory Duty
摘要 违反保护他人法律的侵权责任通过精准界定抽象而模糊的过错概念、扩张或者细化侵权法的保护范围,使侵权法中僵化模糊的规则能够适应不断发展并充满风险的当代社会。保护性法律需符合法律渊源的要求,并且该法律的目的应在于保护私人利益并提供侵权法的救济。此种特殊过错责任的构成要件相比一般过错责任具有特殊性,并且其各要件处于相互动态关联中。我国侵权责任法仅在第6条规定了有关过错责任的一般条款,仍需通过此种特殊的过错责任,尤其需借助于以行政法所确立的行为标准为主的保护性法律法规来进一步界定抽象的过错。 The tortuous liability of breach of statutory duty traces hack to Roman private law and developed in different jurisdictions with quite similar functions. Nowadays it is world--widely regarded as a special form of fault liability not only in the legal family of codification but also in common law. The significance of this kind of fault liability lies in that it plays an important role in today's risk society by virtue of making the abstract and vague concept of fault precise, expanding or refining the scope of legally protected civil rights and interests, so that the relatively stiff and vague rules of tort law can adapt themselves to the modern society full of dynamics and risks. Although Chinese Tortuous Liability Law in 2009 adopts a general clause on the fault liability in Art. 6, there still exist strong needs to refine the abstract concept of fault, particularly by means of the conduct standards set up by other protective laws, regulations, etc. Two standards should be taken into account in order to qualify a law as protective statute, namely the formal and substantial criteria. The former refers to the necessary requirement of legal resource, and the later, in contrast, refers to the intention and remedies of the statute concerned. As to the constitutive requirements of this kind of special fault liability, fault should be presumed basing on that the alleged tortfeasor breaches the statutory duty. Causation should also be presumed in order to protect victims in their favor. The scope of damage depends substantially on the persona and res requirements prescribed in the statute concerned. All of the above constitutive requirements are rather related with each other in a flexible system than isolated from each other.
作者 朱岩
出处 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期85-99,共15页 Chinese Journal of Law
基金 国家社科基金项目"现代侵权责任法体系重构研究"(批准号10BFX064)的部分研究成果
关键词 侵权法 侵权责任 保护性法律 规范保护范围 tort law, tortuous liability, protective law, protective scope of a norm
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  • 1朱岩.风险社会与现代侵权责任法体系[J].法学研究,2009,31(5):18-36. 被引量:74
  • 2王泽鉴.《违反保护他人法律之责任》,载其《民法学说与判例研究》第2册,1969年台湾自版,第209页.
  • 3Andreas Spickhoff, Gesetzesverstoβ undHaftung, 1998, S. 7, Fn. 19.
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  • 5Cass. Dalloz 1896, 1, 81.
  • 6CassJ. C. P, 1959 Ⅱ 10950.
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