
现代集装箱港口体系演进理论与实证 被引量:43

Theoretical model of container port system and its empirical research in Yangtze River Delta
摘要 集装箱技术的传播深刻影响了港口体系的发展,集装箱港口体系的理论模型重点解析该技术对港口体系空间时序过程的影响机制。基于相关研究进展的回顾与评述,根据港口发展的新现象与新机制,综合Hayuth和Notterboom的理论模型,介绍了集装箱港口体系的最新理论,将其分为前集装箱化、技术试验、巩固集中化、枢纽港中心化、扩散化与离岸枢纽、港口区域化等六个时序阶段,对各阶段的发展特征进行了刻画和解析,并从枢纽港本地约束、集装箱航运模式、物流资源整合、内陆配送网络与干港、政府宏观调控和港口建设市场化等角度揭示了扩散化与离岸枢纽、港口区域化两个最新阶段的发展机制。并以长江三角洲作为案例进行实证,详细解析了长江三角洲集装箱港口体系的演化过程,重点是发展变化与内在机理,验证了本文的集装箱港口体系模型,探讨了该区域可能面临的发展趋势。 The popularization of container transport technology impacts greatly the development of container port system whose evolution theory focuses the influence of technology on spatial and temporal changes of port system, which is of important significance to the construction of port. Based on the review of research progress, we integrate the theoretical model of container port system proposed by Hayuth and Notterboom, in light of the newest characters and developing mechanism of port system in the world, and design an revised theoretical model of container port system which is divided into five spatial-temporal developing stages, including pre-containerization, introduction and experiment of technology, popularization of technology and centre of throughput, hub port, diffusion and offshore hub, regionalization of port. We describe the spatial characteristics of container port system in each developing stage in detail. Its last two developing stages are diffusion and offshore hub and regionalization result from the integrated effect of five aspects, including local restriction of hub port, change of container shipping network, integration of modern logistics resources, inland distribution network and inland terminal, macro-control of the Central Government and market mechanism of port construction. Then, we choose the Yangtze River Delta as a case study, and analyze the evolving process of container port system, especially its changes of spatial characteristics and developing mechanism, to validate the theoretical model of container port system.
出处 《地理研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期397-410,共14页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金(40701045、40635026) 中科院知识创新工程方向项目(KZCXZ-YW-Q10-4-1) 国家科技支撑计划课题(2008BAH31B05)
关键词 Notteboom模型 离岸枢纽 港口区域化 长江三角洲 Notteboom theory offshore hub port regionalization Yangtze River Delta
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