
复合式膜生物反应器处理老龄垃圾渗滤液的中试 被引量:3

Hybrid Membrane Bioreactor for Treatment of Aged Landfill Leachate
摘要 采用复合式膜生物反应器(HMBR)处理老龄垃圾渗滤液。结果表明,在进水B/C值极低(B/C<0.2)的情况下,该工艺表现出良好的处理效果,对COD、NH3-N、TN的平均去除率分别为56.85%、98.43%、63.2%,明显优于原有的生物接触氧化工艺(对以上三者的平均去除率分别为25.05%、93.13%、38.24%)。对COD的去除主要集中在缺氧区和膜区,对氨氮的去除则主要集中在缺氧区和好氧区,由于加入了固定生物膜床,生化处理稳定性大大增强。HMBR内的污泥浓度较原有生化反应池的要高,这对氨氮的去除起到了较大作用;设立专用膜区,PVDF帘式膜表现出良好的抗污染性能,大大节约了运行成本和维护成本。 The hybrid membrane bioreactor (HMBR) was used to treat aged landfill leachate. The results show that when the ratio of B/C is less than 0.2, the process has better removal efficiency of pollutants, and the average removal rates of COD, NH3 - N and TN are 56.85% , 98.43% and 63.2% respectively, which is higher than the biological contact oxidation process in which the average removal rates of COD, NH3 - N and TN are 25.05% , 93.13% and 38.24% respectively. The removal of COD is mainly concentrated in the anoxic zone and the membrane area, while the removal of NH3 - N is mainly concentrated in the anoxic zone and the aerobic zone. Owing to adding the fixed biomembrane bed, the stability of the biochemistry treatment is enhanced. The concentration of sludge in HMBR is higher than that in conventional biochemical reactions, which plays a greater role in the removal of NH3 - N. By setting up the individual membrane area, PVDF curtain membrane shows good anti-pollution performance. As a result, a lot of operating cost and maintenance cost are saved.
出处 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期93-95,共3页 China Water & Wastewater
基金 粤港关键领域重点突破项目(200920523300077) 科学技术部科技型中小企业创新基金无偿资助项目(09C26214402113)
关键词 复合式膜生物反应器 老龄垃圾渗滤液 低B/C值 hybrid membrane bioreactor aged landfill leachate low B/C ratio
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