
参与式林业政策过程方法——一个新的林业政策形成路径 被引量:14

Participatory Forest Policy Process——A New Approach of Forest Policy Process
摘要 从对全球林业发展面临的焦点问题,森林功能认知的变迁,全球化、本土化和私有化对林业发展的影响,环境保护主义的兴起,以及实现千年发展目标的需要等角度,分析了参与式林业政策过程产生的背景。参与式林业政策过程包括相关利益者介入到政策制定、执行、监测和评估等不同的环节,它具有共同愿景、责任分担、部门协调、包容性和政策归属感等方面的特点。它能够有效解决政策实施的效率和利益公平分配等问题。参与式林业政策过程是国际林业政策实践和研究的新导向。 This paper laid out the foundation of participatory forest policy process (PFPP) on the eyes of transformation of forest functions recognized by society, consequences to forest development from the processes of globalization, decentralization, and privatization, rising of environmental protectionism, achieving Millennium Development Goal. PFPP is a open process, to develop a negotiated agreement among government and other stakeholders on a shared vision on forests and their use in the stages of policy formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, through negotiation, consultation, facilitation, conflict resolution. It has characteristics of common envision, shared responsibility, sector coordination, inclusion, and ownership of forest policy to achieve better forest policy and more equal shared benefits generated from forests. PFFF is a new initiative internationally for forest policy practices and research.
出处 《林业经济》 北大核心 2011年第2期82-86,共5页 Forestry Economics
基金 国家软科学基金项目“参与式林业政策过程及其在南方集体林权改革中的试验”(编号:2009GX5B082)的一部分 国家社科重点基金“集体林权改革研究”(编号:09AZD029)的一部分
关键词 参与式林业政策 内涵 过程 森林可持续经营 policy for particapatory forestry connotation process sustainable forest management
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