
他者间的关系——西蒙·德·波伏瓦对母女关系理解的伦理阐释 被引量:7

Relationships among the Others:Ethical Interpretations of Beauvoir's Thinking of Relationships between Mothers and Daughters
摘要 在男性为主体的社会关系中,女性之间的关系可以理解为主体之外的他者与他者的关系,在这个意义上,母亲与女儿之间的关系也是一种他者间的关系,对母女关系的描写和思考贯穿在西蒙.德.波伏瓦(Simone de Beavoir)一生的创作当中。从西蒙.德.波伏瓦对母女关系的叙述中,可以发现母女间的几层关系:对抗、一致和保护。因对女性主义的特殊贡献,西蒙.德.波伏瓦被视为女性主义之母,女性主义之母的引导角色与她自己对母女关系的思考形成一种隐喻关系。从伦理角度思考西蒙.德.波伏瓦对母女关系的理解,可以发现,从理论和实践两个层面,西蒙.德.波伏瓦都在践行着她对母女关系的思考。 The relationship between mothers and daughters can be regarded as the relationship among "others" in a male dominated society in which the relationship between male and female is regarded as the norm as one involves the self and the other.Throughout her life,Simone de Beauvoir thinks constantly the relationship of the mother and the daughter as one that can be antagonistic at some time,and at other time,coherent and protective.Beauvoir is regarded by many as the mother of feminism,a role that parallels her views of the mother-daughter relationship.If we were to rethink the above question from an ethical viewpoint,we would realize that Beauvoir has always insisted on thinking of the relationship between mothers and daughters.
作者 成红舞
机构地区 济南大学文学院
出处 《妇女研究论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期80-86,共7页 Journal of Chinese Women's Studies
关键词 他者 母女关系 女性主义 伦理 others relationships between mothers and daughters feminism ethics
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