
WTO《服务贸易总协定》下报复机制之实证研究 被引量:2

An Empirical Research on WTO Retaliation under the GATS
摘要 WTO成立以来,共有三起争端涉及GATS项下的报复问题。成员对服务业实施报复的能力、GATS规则解释上的不确定性、GATS四种服务提供模式的结构、服务贸易与外国直接投资的交叉等,使报复的实际进行非常复杂。为有效实施GATS项下的报复,发展中成员必须兼顾报复之经济影响与政治影响:经济影响只是一个方面,必须重视制造政治影响,选择曝光率高且具有政治影响力的服务部门进行报复,促使发达成员执行WTO争端裁决。 Since the inception of WTO,retaliation under the GATS has been involved in three cases.The ability to retaliate under the GATS,the uncertainty of interpretation of GATS rules,four models of supply of services,the overlap of trade in services and foreign direct investment and so on complicate retaliation under the GATS.For the purpose of compelling developed members to implement WTO rulings,developing members should retaliate in those service sectors that could exert great political pressure on government to modify WTO-inconsistent measures.
作者 李晓玲
出处 《国际经贸探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期61-66,共6页 International Economics and Trade Research
基金 中国博士后基金会项目(20090450227)
关键词 WTO 服务贸易 报复 争端解决机制 WTO trade in service retaliation dispute settlement mechanism
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