
全球治理视野下欧盟规范力量探析——以欧盟国际货币基金组织代表权改革为例 被引量:1

The Limits of the European Union as a Normative Power in Global Governance——A Case Study of EU Representation Reforms in the IMF
摘要 近年来,国际组织代表权改革日益成为欧盟在全球治理中发挥规范力量面临的重要课题。欧盟国际货币基金组织代表权问题的案例研究表明,欧盟身份的复杂性使之在这一问题上既表现出支持相关改革的意愿,又因自身的既得利益、法律地位和治理结构的制约而表现出一定的保守性。围绕欧盟对外向发展中国家转让代表权和对内逐步统一代表权的争论是一个国际体系、地区和成员国层面的三重博弈过程,也是欧盟在参与全球治理过程中关于自身规范力量身份的建构过程。 Over the recent years,reforms of the EU representation in the international organizations have become increasingly important for the EU to play a normative role in global governance.This case study of EU representation reforms in the IMF shows that the complexity of the EU itself has led to its ambivalent positions to the reforms.On the one hand,the EU has shown its willingness to endorse the relevant reforms,but on the other,constrained by its interests as well as by its own governance structure and legal status,it is still reluctant to accept the reforms.EU representation reforms in the IMF,which involve both the transfer of its shares and chairs to the developing countries and the move towards a unified EU representation,will be a process of triple bargains at the levels of international system,the EU and its member states.
作者 王展鹏
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期57-71,159,共15页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目基金和北京外国语大学211工程三期项目资助 项目名称为"跨国民主及其限度"(编号:08JC810003)
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  • 1Javier Solana,"A Secure Europe in a Better World", paper presented to the Thessaloniki European Council, 20 June 2003, http ://ue. eu. int/pressdata/EN/reports/76255, pdf.
  • 2王星桥:“欧洲的警觉”,,http ://www. people, com. cn/GB/guoji/24/20030505/984931.html.
  • 3Judy Dempsey," US and EU Agree on Halting Spread of Arms", Financial Times, June 262003.
  • 4Steven Everts and Daniel Keohane, "The European Convention and EU Foreign Policy: Learning from Failure",Survival, Vol. 45, No. 3, Autumn 2003, p. 176.
  • 5"Wider Europe Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with Our Eastern and Southern Neighbours", and "Paving the Way for a New Neighourhood Instrument", http://www.europa, eu. int/comm/externai_relationa/we/intro/ip03_922, htm.
  • 6Jean-Yves Haine, "European Strategy: First Steps", EU - ISS Newsletter, No. 7, July 2003.
  • 7Steven Everts and Daniel Keohane,"The European Convention and EU Foreign Pollcy: Learning from Failure" ,Survival, Vol. 45, No. 3, Autumn 2003, p. 177.
  • 8Javier Solana ," Atlantic Drift", The Guardian, July 10,2003.
  • 9Paris Match, 26 mars 2003, p. 89.
  • 10Javier Solana,"A Secure Europe in a Better World", paper presented to the Thessaloniki European Council, 20 June 2003, http ://ue. eu. int/pressdata/EN/reperts/76255, pdf.



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  • 3Aaron Bloom, The Power of the Borrow: IMF Responsiveness to Emerging Market Economies, 43 N. Y. U. J. Int'l L. & Pol. 775 (2010 - 2011 ).
  • 4Tony Porters, The G -7, the Financial Stability Forum, the G -20, and the Politics of International Financial Regulation, Paper Prepared for the International Studies Association Annual Meeting, March 15, 2000.
  • 5See IMF, IMF Quota and Governance Reform-Elements of an Agreement, Prepared by the Finance, Legal, and Strategy, Policy, and Review Departments of IMF, October 31, 2010.
  • 6IMF, Statement by Deputy Governor Yi Gang, reported at the Twenty-Ninth Meeting of the International Monetary and Financial Committee, Washington, D.C. , April 12, 2014.
  • 7Edwin M. Truman, A Dark Day for International Cooperation, Peterson Institute for International Economics, January 16th, 2014.
  • 8Robert H Wade / Jacob Vestergaard, Why the IMF needs a reset, reported at The Hindu Business Line, February 5, 2014.
  • 9IMF, IMF Quotas, IMF Factsheet, March 25, 2014.
  • 10Letter to IMF Executive Directors: Urgent recommendations on leadership selection reforms at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, Report of the High-Level Panel on IMF Board Accountability, Washington, DC, June 7, 2007.










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