
论意大利现行选举制度 被引量:4

On the Existing Election System in Italy
摘要 党派林立、政府更替频繁是意大利政治的痼疾,如何兼顾扩大公民政治参与和保障政治稳定,已成为意大利选举法改革所面临的首要问题。意大利目前的选举制度是在2005年确立的,它通过改造、强化既有的概念、政策,意图限制进入议会的党派数量,增加政党联盟尤其是执政联盟的力量,实现政治稳定;同时它又简化了计票程序,希望鼓舞起民众的政治参与热情。然而2005年选举法最重要的举措"多数奖励",具有通过技术手段虚构稳定多数的嫌疑,潜含着巨大的风险。从最近五年意大利的政治实践看来,这个选举法并没有达到目的,意大利选举法改革依然任重道远。 Strong partisanship and frequent government turnovers have become an obstinate disease of Italian politics,which makes it extremely difficult to expand the citizens' political participation and at the same time to guarantee the political stability when reforming the Italian electoral law.Established in 2005,the existing Italian electoral system intends to put a limit to the number of the parties in parliament,intensify the power of the party alliances,especially that of the ruling ones,and to achieve political stability by reforming and strengthening the present concepts and policies.Meanwhile,it simplifies the counting procedure in order to motivate the citizens' enthusiasm towards political participation.However,great risks lie within the 'Majority Award',the most important measure in the 2005 electoral law,which may lead to an invented majority by technological means.However,in view of Italy's political practice in the recent 5 years,this electoral law hasn't achieved its original targets and there is still a long way to go for its electoral law reform.
作者 刘光毅
机构地区 中央编译局
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期121-132,160,共12页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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