
日本体育教师教育改革的新进展及其启示 被引量:14

The New Development of Japanese Physical Education Teacher's Educational Reform and Its Implications
摘要 运用文献资料等研究方法,对日本体育教师教育改革的主要趋势进行分析,以求洞察20世纪90年代以来日本体育教师教育改革的发展状况。研究结果表明:按照社会发展的需要进行培养机构改革,设置教职研究生院培养体育教师;改革体育教师培养课程,逐步凸显"实践主义"取向和综合能力的培养;进一步完善体育教师的在职研修体系,促进体育教师教育的终身化发展等内容是日本体育教师教育改革的主要发展趋势。日本体育教师教育改革的新进展可以为目前正处于关键时期的我国体育教师教育改革提供许多有益的启示:改革体育教师培养机构,促进体育教师教育重心上移;关注社会发展变化,合理调整体育教师培养课程;完善体育教师的在职研修,构筑体育教师终身教育发展体系等。 Through using the method of literature review, this paper makes analysis on major trends of the educational reform of physical education teacher in Japan in order to detect the development of educational reform of physical education teachers since 1990s. The results show that in accordance with the needs of social development,it carries on the institutional reform and set up post graduate training system for physical education teacher, reforms physical education teacher's training courses, and gradually highlights the "practicalism" approach and integrated ability,further improves in-service education system and pro motes lifelong education for physical education teacher. Japan new development of physical education teacher educational reform can provide implications for China physical education teacher's educational reform. For example, the reform of physical education teacher' s training institutions, the adjustment of physical education teacher training courses, and the improvement of physical education teacher in service training and development of physical education teacher lifelong education system.
作者 陈君 董佳佳
出处 《首都体育学院学报》 北大核心 2011年第2期133-136,共4页 Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports
关键词 体育教师教育 培养机构 培养课程 在职研修 改革 日本 physical education teacher education training institution training courses in--service train ing reform Japan
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