
消癌平注射液联合NP方案治疗晚期NSCLC的临床观察 被引量:14

Effect of Xiaoaiping Injection combined with NP regimen in the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer
摘要 目的:观察消癌平注射液联合NP方案治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung cancer,NSCLC)的临床疗效。方法:选择晚期NSCLC患者60例,分为NP方案联合消癌平注射液组(治疗组)30例及单纯NP化疗组30例(对照组),两组治疗前均未行放化疗。结果:治疗组缓解率优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组在临床症状、生活质量、消化道反应及骨髓抑制等方面,治疗组均优于对照组(均P<0.05)。结论:消癌平注射液联合NP方案治疗NSCLC的疗效较好,能稳定病灶,有效改善临床症状,提高生存质量及降低不良反应。 Objective: To observe Xiaoaiping Injection combined with NP regimen in treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods: 60 cases of advanced non-small cell lung cancer were divided into Xiaoaiping Injection combined with NP regimen group (treatment group) 30 cases and simple 30 cases of NP regimen group (control group), two groups during treatment did not line radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Results: The remission of lesions in treatment group was higher than that of the control group (P〈0.05). Clinical symptoms, quality of life, the gastrointestinal reactions and myelo- suppression of treatment group all were better than those of control group (all P〈0.05). Conclusion: Xiaoaiping Injection in combination with NP regimen in treatment of non-small cell lung cancer has better efficacy, the stability of lesions, effectively improves the clinical symptoms and improves quality of life and less adverse reaction.
出处 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2011年第8期64-65,共2页 China Medical Herald
关键词 消癌平注射液 NSCLC 化疗 Xiaoaiping Injection Non-small cell lung cancer Chemotherapy
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