
信息革命与全球化时代的非正式经济:中国山寨手机产业探究 被引量:6

The Informal Economy in the Era of Information Revolution and Globalization:The Shanzhai Cell Phone Industry in China
摘要 山寨手机揭示着深刻的时代变迁:(1)信息革命导致生产工具的普及和生产活动的广泛参与。山寨手机生产商利用生产的服务化提供的深化分工,将以产业链为基础的温特尔生产体制进一步发展为一个以产业集群为支撑的、具有多部门特征的巨大的虚拟企业。(2)全球化把分散的需求和有限的长尾市场联在一起,使过去很难赢利的长尾产品形成规模经济。(3)产业集群与专业市场在空间上的重叠还为产业发展提供了一个内在的推动机制:空间上高度聚集带来的竞争压力迫使企业不断地将市场细分,从而形成范围经济,而范围经济吸引来的大量采购商又使得细分后的个性化产品形成规模经济。 The shanzhai(山寨)cellphone phenomenon reveals the profound economic transformations of our time.First,information revolution has made production tools more accessible and has resulted in much wider participation in production.Supported by the deepened division of labor through the servicization of production,shanzhai cellphone companies are able to expand the Wintel production regime sustained by value chain into a hypothetical enterprise with a multi-divisional structure.Second,globalization has linked many scattered long-tail markets together.This has enabled the long-tail products,which were hardly profitable in the era of mass production,to accomplish the economy of scale.Third,the Chinese innovation of the spatial overlap between an industrial cluster and specialized markets has provided an intrinsic mechanism of industrial expansion:the competition pressures resulted from the spatial concentration of small producers in the industrial cluster force them to differentiate their products which in turn promotes the economy of scope,while the big flows of merchants coming to the specialized markets sustained by the economy of scope help create the economy of scale for the highly individualized long-tail products.
作者 高柏
出处 《社会》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期1-41,共41页 Chinese Journal of Sociology
基金 This research was funded by the Dean's Office at Duke University
关键词 全球化 产业集群 信息革命 山寨手机 专业市场 温特尔生产方式 globalization industrial cluster information revolution Shanzhai cell phones specialized markets the Wintel production regime
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