

Photoluminescence of n-Type Porous Silicon
摘要 对在无光照条件下,电化学阳极腐蚀方法制备的n型多孔硅进行了光致发光性能研究。在325nm的激发光照射下,多孔硅样品的发光峰在620nm处,其橙红色的发光肉眼可见,并随阳极电流密度与腐蚀时间乘积的增加,先增强,后减弱。其发光峰位置与量子限制效应、表面态及缺陷态有关,发光强度与样品表面深度较浅孔洞所占的面积比成正比。 The photoluminescence of n-type porous silicon fabricated with electrochemical etching method without illumination was investigated.Illuminating under an ultraviolet light with the wavelength of 325nm,the samples give the light emission centered at 620nm.The photoluminescence with orange-red color can be observed.The intensity increases at first,then decreases with increasing product of the etching current density and time.The wavelength of the photoluminescence is related to the quantum confined effect,surface and defect states.The intensity is proportional to the area of the shallow pores of the surface.
出处 《光谱实验室》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期509-512,共4页 Chinese Journal of Spectroscopy Laboratory
关键词 n型多孔硅 电化学腐蚀 光致发光 n-Type Porous Silicon Electrochemical Etching Photoluminescence
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