2Statement by Timothy F. Geithner U.S. Secretary of the Treasury before the Committee on Financial Services U.S. House of Representatives, www. house, gov/apps/list/hearing/financialsvcs_dem/ geithner032609.pdf, March 2009.
3Noah L. Wynkoop. The Unregulables? The Perilous Confluence of Hedge Funds and Credit Derivatives[ J]. Fordham Law Reviews, May, 2008, p. 3116.
4Troy A. Paredes. On the Decision to Regulate Hedge Funds: The SEC 's Regulatory Philosophy, Style, and Mission [ J ]. University of Illinois Law Review, 2006, p. 987.
5Saule T. Omarova. The New Crisis for the New Century : Some Observations on the "Big - Picture" Lessons of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008[J]. North Carolina Banking Institute, March, 2009, p. 162.
6Jerry W. Markham, A Comparative Analysis of Consolidated and Functional Regulation : Super Regulator: a Comparative Analysis of Securities and Derivatives Regulation in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan, Brooklyn J. Int' l L, 28, 2003, p. 369.
7See Thomas Lee Hazen, Filling a Regulatory Gap : it is Time to Regulate Over-the-Counter Derivatives,North Carolina Banking Institute, March, 2009, pp. 132 -134.
8See Diane M. Sullivan, Risk Securitization and the Regulation of Derivative.s, Securities Regulation Law Journal, Vol. 27,213,1999, pp. 226 -229.
10See Simeon G.. Mann, Too Far over the Hedge : Why the SEC' s Attempt to Further Regulate Hedge Funds Had to Fail & What, if Any, Alternative Solutions should be Considered, Saint John's Law Review, Winter, 2008, p. 323.