
研发团队成员多维忠诚对帮助行为的影响研究 被引量:10

The influence of R&D team members' multi-dimensional loyalty on helping behaviors:An empirical study
摘要 本文将员工忠诚细分为情感性、持续性、规范性三个基础和组织、团队、主管、职业四个对象,基于社会交换理论和态度-行为的相容性原则,探讨了研发团队员工多基础多对象的员工忠诚对问题解决式和知识分享式两类帮助行为的影响。研究发现,研发团队员工对团队和职业的情感性与规范性忠诚对两类帮助行为都有正向作用,持续性忠诚对两类帮助行为都有负向作用;对组织的情感性忠诚对知识分享式帮助行为有积极影响;而对主管的规范性忠诚对问题解决式帮助行为有消极影响。 The employee loyalty is classified according to three bases,namely,affective,continuance and normative and four foci,namely,organization,team supervisor,and profession.Based on the social exchange theory and the principle of compatibility,the influence of RD team members' loyalty with multi-bases multi-foci on both problem-solving and knowledge-sharing helping behaviors is empirically explored.It is found that the affective and normative loyalties to team and profession have influence on both kinds of helping behaviors positively,while continuance loyalties to team and profession have influence on both kinds of helping behaviors negatively.Meanwhile,affective organizational loyalty has positive effect on knowledge-sharing helping behavior and normative supervisory loyalty has negative effect on problem-solving helping behavior.
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期113-120,共8页 Science Research Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助 项目编号:70672047(2007.1-2009.12)
关键词 忠诚 多基础多对象 承诺 帮助行为 研发团队 loyalty multi-basis multi-foci commitment helping behavior R&D team
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