
针灸骨度人体测量100例研究报告 被引量:10

A Proportional Bone Measurement of Acupuncture in 100 Healthy Volunteers
摘要 目的:通过人体实际测量,比较《灵枢.骨度》的尺寸与现行针灸骨度之间的差异,探讨针灸骨度相关人体各部位间的比例关系。方法:依据现行国家标准《腧穴定位人体测量方法》(GB/T 23237-2009)规定的方法,对100名部队战士进行了12项针灸骨度的人体测量。结果:(1)两头维与两完骨间弧长,两者作为头部横寸同为9寸,实际长度并不相等;(2)两云门间距12寸,其与两乳头间距的实测比值符合12∶9.5的比例关系,与《灵枢.骨度》"两乳之间广九寸半"的记载相符,而与现行针灸骨度两乳间8寸不符;(3)天突-脐中与脐中-耻骨联合上缘的实测比值与《灵枢.骨度》中两者的比值17∶6.5相符,而与现行针灸骨度不符;(4)根据腋前纹头-肘横纹的实测距离,折算出这一距离的骨度值为12寸,与现行针灸骨度腋前纹头至肘横纹9寸不相符;(5)根据髌底-髌尖的实测距离,折算出这一新增骨度值为2寸,与现行国家标准记载相符。结论:(1)现行针灸骨度中,两头维间9寸、两乳间8寸、脐中-耻骨联合上缘5寸、腋前纹头-肘横纹9寸均为后世医家根据相关部位穴距相加的尺寸,增改《灵枢.骨度》相关尺寸而成,从而导致了《灵枢.骨度》尺寸与现行针灸骨度之间的差异,以及部分针灸骨度间的比例关系与人体实际测量结果不符;(2)新增骨度两云门间距12寸、髌底-髌尖2寸,符合人体实际测量的结果。 Objective To compare the difference of bone proportional cun of acupuncture between the description in book Lingshu · Gudu (Miraculous Pivot: Proportional Bone Measurement) and the current National Standard for Locating the Acupoint ("National Standard" in short), so as to determine the proportional relationship of the distance between two positions of the human body in terms of bone proportional cun. Methods A total of 100 volunteers [age: 18 - 25 years, body weight: (64.0±8.2)kg, and height: (169.3±5.7)cm] were enlisted in the present study. The distances of the bilateral isonym acupoints ETouwei (ST 8), Yunmen (LU 2), etc. ,] or two sites on the body surface such as the bilateral nipples, Tiantu (CV 22) - umbilicus, etc., were detected by using a soft ruler or a detector in accordance with the Methods of Anthropometry for Locating Acupuncture Points (GB/T 23237-2009, "National Standard"). Results 1) The distances between the bilateral Touwei (ST 8) and bilateral Wangu (GB 12) were (134.54±14.72) mm and (161.73±25.05) mm respectively, both being different to the conventional equal lengths used nowadays. 2) The ratios of a) the distance between the bilateral Yunmen (LU 2) and that between the bilateral nipples, and b) the distance between Tiantu (CV 22) and the umbilicus center and that between the umbilicus center and the superior margin of the pubic symphysis were 233.28 : 194.46, and 398.09 : 153.45, respectively, being identical to the descriptions of book Lingshu · Gudu, but being different to those of the current "National Standard". 3) The distances between the anterior axillary fold and the cubital transverse crease, between the posterior axillary fold and the cubital transverse crease, and between Jianyu (LI 15) and the cubital transverse crease were (203.89±32.39) mm, (194.31±64.06) mm, and (286, 45±21. 16) mm respectively. In terms of proportional bone-length, the distance between the anterior axillary fold and the cubital transverse crease was converted to be 12 cun, being bigger than 9 cun recorded in the "National Standard". 4) The distances between the superior border of the pubic symphysis and the superior border of patella, and between the superior border of patella and the patella apex were (439.96±801.51) mm, and (48.41±9.40) mm, separately. When converted to the proportional bonelength, they are identical to the 18.0 cun and 2.0 cun recorded in the current "National Standard". Conclusion The real distances between bilateral Touwei (ST 8) and between two nipples are not equal, the ratio of the distance between Tiantu (CV 22) and the umbilicus center and that between the umbilicus and the superior margin of the pubic symphysis, and the converted propor- tional bone-length of the distance between the anterior axillary fold and the cubital crease are not identical to the descriptions in current "National Standard" on acupoints location.
作者 武晓冬
出处 《针刺研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期66-71,共6页 Acupuncture Research
基金 国家科技支撑计划子课题(2006BAI21B03_13)
关键词 针灸 骨度 骨度测量 人体测量 Acupuncture Bone proportional cun Proportional bone measurement Anthropometry
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