
血缘、地缘、业缘的集合体——清末民初景德镇陶瓷行业的社会组织模式 被引量:8

Aggregates on the Basis of Blood Tie Geographical Closeness and Work Relation: Organizational Models of Jingdezhen Ceramic Society from the Late Qing Dynasty to the Early Period of the Republic of China
摘要 文章纪录的是清末民(民国)初景德镇陶瓷工匠的社会组织形式和行业文化的特点。景德镇有一千多年的制瓷历史,在这一历史时间中,景德镇的陶工们不仅为世界生产出了大量精美的陶瓷,还创建了一套约定俗成、代代相传的、适于当地陶瓷生产发展的行业文化,而这一行业文化的产生与传统的中国社会息息相关,这是一个乡土的社会,在这样的社会中,血缘、地缘是其构成的基础,但景德镇作为一座手工业城市,与纯粹的乡土农村比较起来,还多了一项业缘。传统的前工业社会的、建立在祖先崇拜及宗教神话哲学基础上的血缘、地缘、业缘之间的互动关系,形成了传统景德镇陶瓷制造业的社会组织模式,到1 8世纪至1 9世纪发展日趋完善。在这样的社会组织模式中不仅包含了一套有关陶瓷技术本身的知识,还包含了一套特殊的行业组织制度,行业组织崇拜等,并在其相互的关联中形成了一套固有的手工业的物质文化与精神文化。 This paper describes the craftsmen orga-nizational models and cultural characteristics of Jingdezhen ceramic industry from the late Qing Dy-nasty to the early period of the Republic of China.Jingdezhen has a porcelain making history of overone thousand years. Over the years, Jingdezhen ce-ramic craftsmen not only produced a myriad of ex-quisite ceramic works, but also developed a commonly-accepted set of customs and traditions that applied tothe indigenous ceramic industry and had been handeddown through generations. This system of ceramicculture was deeply rooted in a traditional society in China. A rural society that was, formed on the basis ofboth the blood tie and the geographical closeness, butcompared to a real rural village, Jingdezhen, a handi-craft city, had still another bond, i.e., the work relation.The interconnections of the blood tie, the geographicalcloseness and the work relation formed on the philo-sophical basis of ancestor worship, primitive religionand mythology were the pre-industrial organizationalmodels of Jingdezhen traditional ceramic society,which matured in the 18th and 19th centuries. The semodels of the society featured not only a system ofceramic expertise, but also a system of ceramic crafts-men organizations and worships. From the interactiveconnections between the craftsmen derived the ma-terial and spiritual cultures of Jingdezhen ceramic handicraft industry.
作者 方李莉
出处 《南京艺术学院学报(美术与设计)》 北大核心 2011年第1期8-19,177,共12页 Journal of Nanjing Arts Institute:Fine Arts & Design
关键词 景德镇 行业 血缘 地缘 社会组织 Jingdezhen, industry, blood ties, geographical closeness, social organization
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