
压电复合材料梁和板的变形控制问题 被引量:5

Deflection Control of Laminated Beams and Plates with Piezoelectric Patches
摘要 由于具有良好的结构、力学性能,复合材料层合板在现代飞行器上大量应用;而压电复合材料,作为一种新兴的智能材料,由于其独特的力电耦合性能得到了人们更多的关注。本文研究含有压电片的复合材料梁和板在电场作用下的变形控制问题。基于经典的梁理论和层合板理论,分别研究了下列问题:(1)双压电片布置的悬臂梁的变形;(2)含有压电层的层合板变形控制问题;(3)含有一对压电片的层合板的变形控制问题。针对上述问题,分别给出了理论解和数值解,并进行了相关讨论分析。结果表明压电材料可对结构进行精确控制,因此本文的结果可对复合材料梁和板在电场作用下的变形控制问题提供工程参考。 Laminated plates of composite materials,duo to their excellent structure and mechanics properties,have found wide application in modern aircrafts.Especially,piezoelectric composites,as a new kind of smart materials with good properties of electro-mechanical coupling,have been received more interests in engineering.The deflection control of laminated composite beams and plates was studied with piezoelectric patches under electric field.Based on the classical theories of beam and plate,the present work deals with the following problems:(1) the deflection control of a cantilever beam with one pair of piezoelectric patches,(2) the deflection control of piezoelectric laminated plates,and(3) the deflection control of laminated plates with one pair of piezoelectric patches.For the above cases,the theoretical results and numerical examples were presented,respectively,and the related discussions were also given.It shows that the piezoelectric material can be used in precise control of structures and thus the outcome in the present work can be useful to the problems of shape control for laminated beams and plates under electric field.
出处 《力学季刊》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期53-61,共9页 Chinese Quarterly of Mechanics
关键词 变形控制 压电驱动器 层合板和梁 deflection control piezoelectric actuators laminated beam and plate
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