

The Foundation of Dummett's Anti-realism
摘要 达米特通过对直觉主义数学和逻辑方法的重新改造和推进,发展出一套相对完善的辩护主义意义理论,本文正是由此详细分析和论证了其反实在论思想的形成基础,并指出达米特反实在论策略所存在的一些问题。 Dummett advanced a justification theory of meaning by re-interpreting and developing the methods of mathematics and logics which in intuitionism.this paper analysised and demonstrated the base of Dummett's anti-realism detailedly by means of it,and argued that there are some unresolved problems in his research programme.
作者 俞颖杰
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期12-17,共6页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
关键词 反实在论意义理论直觉主义证明辩护理解 anti-realism theory of meaning intuitionism proof justification understanding
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