
沸石填料BAF处理制革废水的研究 被引量:4

Tannery Wastewater Treatment by Zeolite Filler BAF
摘要 在BAF反应器沸石成功挂膜后,考察了不同进水方式和水力停留时间下,生物沸石对氨氮和COD的去除效果,结果表明:上向流进水对污染物去除效果要好于下向流,上向流的COD去除率最高达85%,氨氮去除率达到95%,出水氨氮浓度低于15mg/L;2种进水方式下,对氨氮的去除均以离子交换作用为主,上向流的平均离子交换去除率为76.15%,而下向流则明显强化了硝化作用,平均硝化反应去除率为25.29%;活性污泥和反应柱对COD均具有较好的去除效果,去除率均高于70%;反应柱对氨氮的去除率高于75%,当水力停留时间为10h时,氨氮去除率为92.4%,反应柱对实际制革废水氨氮的去除率为84.6%。 The removal efficiency of ammonia nitrogen and COD by biological-zeolite of BAF reactor at different influent modes and different hydraulic retention time(HRT) after successfully biofilming. The results show that the removal of pollutants at upflow mode was better than that of downflow mode. In the upfiow mode, the ammonia nitrogen removal rate could reach 95 % and COD removal rate could reach 85%, and ammonia nitrogen concenration in worked water is less than 15mg/L; Ion exchange is the major contributor to ammonium removal at both influent modes and the average ion exchange rate was 76.15% in up flow mode. While down flow mode obviously strengthens nitrification and the average nitrification rate is 25.29%. The removal efficiency of COD by activated sludge and reaction column could reach the same effect, and removal rate is higher than 70%. The removal efficiency of ammonia nitrogen is over 75% in the reaction column and it even could reach 92.4% on the condition that HRT is 1Oh, and it has a good effect on the removal of ammonium in real tannery sludge and the removal rate could reach 84.6%
出处 《中国皮革》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第5期1-3,17,共4页 China Leather
基金 陕西科技大学研究生创新基金资助
关键词 BAF 氨氮 COD 水力停留时间(HRT) BAF ammonia nitrogen COD hydraulic retention time(HRT)
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