
青春发动时相对于职校学生性行为及网络生殖健康信息获取的影响 被引量:3

Influence of Pubertal Timing to Adolescent Heterosexual Behaviors and Reproductive Health Information Seeking Practices
摘要 目的:分析青春发动时相对于职校学生性行为和网络生殖健康信息获取的影响。方法:在随机整群选取的1 846名中等职业技术学校学生中,问卷调查青春发育时间、异性间性行为、以及生殖健康信息获取经历。结果:青春发动时相提前男、女生的各种性行为自我报告率均显著高于适时组和延迟组。互联网是职校生寻求性生殖健康信息的重要来源之一,青春发动时相提前对于其网络性生殖健康信息寻求具有独立作用。结论:在开展有针对性的职校生性生殖健康教育中,尤其要关注和合理引导青春发动时相偏离正常的学生。 Objective:To investigate the influence of pubertal timing to vocational high school students' heterosexual behaviors as well as their practices of online seeking for reproductive health information.Methods:By using structural self-administered questionnaire,self-perceived pubertal timing,heterosexual behaviors,and perceived valuable and helpful ways of obtaining reproductive health information,as well as experiences of Internet surfing reproductive health information were obtained from a cluster-randomized sample of 1 864 vocational high school students in Shanghai.Results:Of various information sources of sex and reproductive health,Internet surfing was much more preferred and recognized by all respondents.In both males and females,self-reported rates of heterosexual behaviors in the earlier puberty group were significantly higher than those in the ordinary and delayed groups.Percentages of those vocational high school students,surfing online for sex and reproductive health knowledge were highest in earlier puberty group,followed by delayed group and ordinary group.The independent effect of pubertal timing on the sex and reproductive information seeking via Internet was existed even after controlling for age,sex,hours of internet use per day,selfperceived study achievement and averaged parents' educational years.Conclusion:We should pay more attention to the students especially for those who are deviated from normal puberty development,and direct them appropriately in order to promote their healthy development.
出处 《生殖与避孕》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期117-121,共5页 Reproduction and Contraception
关键词 青春发动时相 职校生 性行为 互联网 pubertal timing vocational high school students heterosexual behaviors internet
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