随着海洋生态系统中的厌氧氨氧化反应和氨氧化古菌的发现,自然生态系统的氮循环过程被重新认识,但是目前尚无在陆地深层的相关报道。结合同位素示踪与分子生物学技术探索了稻田深层土壤中anammox与AOA的存在及特性。结果表明,在沼渣处理废水浇灌的高含氮稻田深层土壤中,anammox与AOA共存。通过构建克隆文库发现,此土壤中厌氧氨氧化菌的生物多样性相对较低,35个克隆序列只分为4个独立操作单元(OTU),代表序列与Genebank数据库中已探明的厌氧氨氧化菌Candidatus‘Kuenenia stuttgartiensis’的同源性超过95%;对氨氧化古菌的分析发现,20个克隆子共得到5个OTU,其与基因库中土壤/沉积物进化分支关系最近,序列的同源性部分超过98%。同位素示踪的初步结果表明,anammox产生的氮气占此土壤总氮气生成量的24.1%-29.8%。AOA与anammox的共存为anammox反应的广泛存在与发生提供了新思路。
Anaerobic ammonium oxidation(anammox) bacteria and ammonia oxidation archaea(AOA) play a very important role in nitrogen cycle in soil as well as in the marine ecosystems.These excellent discoveries have renewed the vision on nitrogen cycle.Anammox uses nitrite as an electron acceptor to convert ammonium into dinitrogen gas.The nitrite is delivered by AOA,since they convert ammonia into nitrite.To further explore this view,the coexistence of anammox bacteria and AOA were also studied in deep soil and paddyfield wetland using molecular and isotopic tracing tools.For the detection of anammox bacteria,primer combination AMX 368F and AMX 820R was used,whereas for AOA the archaeal primer set for amoA gene was used.Four different anammox bacteria and five different AOA were detected in the deep soil layer of high nitrogen loaded paddyfield.Further analysis showed that the biodiversity of anammox bacteria was low,35 sequences of anammox bacteria were assigned to 4 Operational Taxonomic Units(OTUs),three of them close related to the known anammox species derived from marine and wastewater treatment plant except the OTU4,which clustered with Candidatus 'Kuenenia stuttgartiensis' with a high similarities up to 95%.20 sequences of AOA were assigned into 5 OTUs,and the similarities with the closest relatives in GenBank were mostly higher than 98%.4 of the OTUs belonged to the water/sediment lineage and another one OTU was close to the soil/sediment lineage.This character of AOA diversity was also corresponded to the nature properties of wetland soil which fall in between soil and freshwater environment.The isotopic tracing experimental results showed that the ratio of N2 production by anammox to total(anammox + denitrification) ranged from 24.1 to 29.8 percent.This is the first report which investigates the anammox process in deep soil layer of paddyfield wetland by both molecular and isotopic tracing tools.AOA probably play an important role in ammonia oxidizing because its wider ecologic niche than other ammonia oxidizing microorganisms.Whether nitrification was driven by bacteria or archea is still in debate so far.However,in this study,an anaerobic and ammonia affluent environment which is not fond of ammonia oxidizing bacteria was provided.The strong anammox activity implied that the nitrite which was oxidized by AOA should be one of an important sources supplies for anammox process.In consideration of the nitrite supplied by denitrification,therefore,how much it plays in the nitrite supply for anammox process by AOA? We are looking forward to the appearance of a more powerful experimental tools.Anyway,it provided a new idea of the widespread of anammox process with the prove of the coexistence of anammox and AOA in this special environment.
Acta Ecologica Sinica
paddy field wetland
anaerobic ammonium oxidation
ammonia oxidation archaea
deep soil layer
nitrogen cycle